Medication Errors’ Incidence in Medication Use Process: A Case Study of a Hemodialysis Unit of a Hospital
Incidence, Medication errors, Medication use processAbstract
This retrospective, descriptive survey research aims to study the incidence of the medication errors in the medication use process. The sample in this study were 400 electronic medical records, and hemodialysis documents (sheets data). Medication error record data were compiled for data collection. The multi-stage sampling was conducted for the electronic medical records. Statistics used were percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation.
The results indicated that there were 6.50% of the medication errors’ incidence in the medication use process (of the C level error), and that majority of the error (86.50) were detected before reaching patients, i.e., can be corrected within the process before administration (at the B level error).
The recommendation for hospital administration is as followed. The Hospital Information System (HIS) needs to be improved and implemented. The accuracy and precision of the HIS can reduce the medication error incidence, not only in the hemodialysis unit, but also for the entire hospital.
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