Factors Affecting the Functional Competencies of Public Health Technical Officers (Professional Level) at Central Units under the Department of Disease Control


  • Nalinthip Choochotkaew STOU
  • Warangkana Chankong
  • Theerawut Thammakun


functional competency, public health technical officer (professional level), work empowerment, Department of Disease Control


The aims of this research were to identify personal factors, functional competencies, and work empowerment factors; and factors affecting functional competencies.  The study was conducted among all 103 professional public health technical officers (professional level) of central units under DDC, using a self-reporting questionnaire, and then analyzed for frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.   

The results indicated that, 79.8% were single female, master’s degree-holder, 44.7 years old on average, monthly salary of 37,458 baht, and 9.7 years of work experience on average.  Their overall functional competencies were at a high level, with the highest mean score on data findings, and the lowest mean score on formal work assignments.  Overall work empowerment was at a high level, with high mean score in every dimension, except receiving resources which was at a middle level.  Factor with statistical significantly affecting their functional competencies was work empowerment regarding receiving of information, with predictive power of 16.5%.  Opportunity for improvement was their low capacity to create conditions for others to comply with laws or regulations. Thus, it is suggested that, administrators should provide training course on building capacity to influence others to comply with the law.  Moreover, time management, human resource management and up-to-date knowledge resource should be provided.


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How to Cite

Choochotkaew, N., Chankong, W. ., & Thammakun, T. . (2020). Factors Affecting the Functional Competencies of Public Health Technical Officers (Professional Level) at Central Units under the Department of Disease Control. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 7(2), 243–256. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/248294



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