Lotion Product Selection Buying Behaviour of Students at a university in northern Thailand


  • Narong Chaitiang คณะเเพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา
  • Saowaluk Piamee


lotion product, attitude, behavior, marketing mix


This descriptive research aimed to study lotion product buying behavior. Samples were 375 second year students, with a questionnaire as research instrument, and data analyzed for descriptive and inferential statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Chi-square test.

Research findings are as follows: more than half was female (68.8%), with average age of 20 years old (63.5%), majoring in information technology science and communication field (35.5%), receiving monthly income of  5,001-10,000 baht (40.0%), using Nivea product (34.7%), and the benefit was UV/SPF50 +++ protection (59.5%), most had never been allergic to lotion products (92.3%), and their hometown were in the northern region (45.1%).  Students chose to buy their selection through marketing mix at a moderate level (52.5%), having knowledge in the use of lotion product at a high level (79.2%), and having attitude toward using lotion product at a moderate level (44.3%). Findings indicated that sex, major, money received from parents, lotion products most commonly used, benefits from lotion product, hometown, marketing mix, knowledge, and attitude, were correlated with lotion product selection behavior, with statistical significance at p-value ≤ 0.05. Age and whether allergic to lotion product experience were not correlated with lotion product selection behavior.

Most customers want to use lotion products to take care of their skin, so they seek for products, and several methods, for their skin to look healthy always.  Therefore, customers should select suitable lotion products for their own skin.


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How to Cite

Chaitiang, N. ., & Piamee, S. . (2021). Lotion Product Selection Buying Behaviour of Students at a university in northern Thailand. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 7(3), 491–504. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/251274



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