Creating a Learning Environment through Electronic Media combined with Blended Learning in the First Aid and Basic Medical Care Course


  • Sunutcha Phopongsin Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Akaphol Kaladee
  • Warangkana Chankong


Learning Environment, e-learning, Blended Learning, First Aid and Basic Medical Care


This research and development aimed to design and evaluate a learning environment through electronic media, combined with blended learning in the First Aid and Basic Medical Care Course.  The research process was divided into three phases: Phase 1, creating the learning environment through electronic media combined with blended learning; Phase 2, implementing with setting up a learning environment through electronic media combined with blended learning; and Phase 3: evaluation stage. The study was conducted among all 86 students enrolled in the First Aid and Basic Medical Care Course. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation; and paired t-test.

          The results showed that the learning environment through electronic media combined with blended learning consisted of four steps: 1) preparation before going to practice in the field work by using blended learning activities, includes teaching the skills necessary for studying in the course so that students can share their learning with teachers and peers, and also practicing in the classroom 2) self-learning by teaching through the e-learning system 3) practice in a training center and 4) assessing and reinforcing deficiencies in required skills by using blended learning activities. Assessment of the learning environment through electronic media combined with blended learning, found that the scores in the e-learning system, the first skill reinforcement score, the assigned training, the second reinforcement exercise, and the total scores were significantly different from the scores on criteria that were required to pass 60 percent of the scores on each activity statistically.



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How to Cite

Phopongsin, S., Kaladee, A., & Chankong, W. (2021). Creating a Learning Environment through Electronic Media combined with Blended Learning in the First Aid and Basic Medical Care Course. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 7(3), 521–539. Retrieved from



Original Article