Developing a hybrid clustering model for Covid-19 vaccine distribution in Bangkok metropolis, Thailand


  • Anirut Kantasa-ard
  • Thitima Wonginta


Partitional Clustering, Vaccine distribution, Covid-19, K-Means, Center-of-gravity


The Covid-19 cases are rapidly and continuously increasing in many areas recently, particularly in the Asia and Pacific region. Bangkok, as one of the biggest capitals in Southeast Asia, has a high prevalence rate of Covid-19 patients. Furthermore, the number of deaths from this pandemic is constantly rising. Therefore, the central government put an effort to control the Covid-19 situation by increasing the vaccination rate in many endemic areas, including Bangkok.  Despite  that Covid-19 vaccine has been prepared since the 1st quarter of 2021, vaccine distribution in this city is still limited. One of the main problems is insufficient vaccination centers serving all populations in Bangkok and metropolitan areas. This paper proposes a novel perspective of vaccine distribution in the metropolis, using a hybrid clustering model. This model is the integration between the concepts of partitional clustering and center-of-gravity. Bangkok is chosen as a case study to verify the performance of this model. 

The results showed that K-Means is outperformed other benchmark via silhouette width value. In addition, this model suggests increasing the number of vaccination centers in some areas of Bangkok. This model suggests extra six vaccination centers apart from 25 current centers established by the central government, for a total of 31 centers. This can be a good case study for all involved organizations to consider increasing vaccination centers in different areas for the future period.


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How to Cite

Kantasa-ard, A., & Wonginta, T. . (2021). Developing a hybrid clustering model for Covid-19 vaccine distribution in Bangkok metropolis, Thailand. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(1), 19–43. retrieved from



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