A Circular Resolution and Government Committee’s Liabilities


  • Pongsit Aroonratanakul -


circular resolution, committee, liability


       The administration of government agencies, nowadays, have usually operated by committees. A committee may consist of experts from different fields and representatives from various sectors.  The meeting of a committee reflects many viewpoints, administrative measures, including complete resolutions. Therefore, the committee’s resolution should obviously provide more efficient and effective result than a decision of an individual person.  

            Due to the committee’s many responsibilities coupled with the urgency of problem-solving decisions and considerations, a number of governmental offices have resorted to circulation to seek resolutions aka “circular resolutions.” However, these circular resolutions are not passed as a result of any discussions or debates, but individual committee members’ decisions or considerations. Accordingly, the resolutions are incompatible with the principle of collective body’s consideration. In the case where a circular resolution illegally affects a person’s rights, the committee is deemed liable for administrative fines, civil penalties and criminal penalties.  




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How to Cite

Aroonratanakul, P. (2022). A Circular Resolution and Government Committee’s Liabilities. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(2), 349–360. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/258388



Academic Article / Perspectives