Field practice learning outcomes of M.Sc. in Public Health Administration program during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Pissamai Marneejamsai
  • Sunisa Kumboonsri Mahidol University
  • Chardsumon Prutipinyo


learning outcomes, workplace field training, M.Sc. in Public Health Administration curriculum, Covid-19 outbreak


Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, students had to adjusted their internship at their workplaces. This research aimed to measure perceptions and learning outcomes by self-assessment of students in field practice. Research methods were, studying from documents, using an online questionnaire, and telephone interviews with 6 students.

The results showed that students’ self-assessment had the 3 highest average scores on: 1) ability to manage problems and emotions, with highest average score of 3.67; 2) teamwork building while on field practice, with the average score of 3.43; 3) ability to use information of his/her organization, with the average score of 3.33 respectively.  Results of both qualitative and quantitative researches indicated that, for outcome learning, while in field practicum, students were able to control themselves. There was a mentor who advised in the workplace. Student in field practicum must be careful in terms of epidemic conditions, and working with a full-time job as before. At the same time, students had to do field internship after working hours. The student's internship achieved learning outcomes as expected, but not all.  There are some recommendations from students, who wanted to do internships outside of their own workplaces, so they can learn somethings different.

Recommendations for the future of field training management are as follows: 1) The curriculum administration committee should arrange appropriate mentors for students; 2) arranging time/expanding time for field internship, so that students would have less stress / fatigue; 3) students should be divided into 2 groups: those who would like to do field practicum in their own workplaces, and those who wish to practice at another places other than their own, in order to achieve different learning needs/outcomes.


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How to Cite

Marneejamsai, P. ., Kumboonsri, S., & Prutipinyo, C. (2022). Field practice learning outcomes of M.Sc. in Public Health Administration program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(2), 265–280. Retrieved from



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