Hybrid Learning Design in Statistics and Research in Health Management for Graduate Students during the COVID-19 outbreak


  • Akaphol Kaladee sukhothai thammathirat open university
  • Warangkana Chankong


Hybrid learning, Learning design, Statistics and research in health management, COVID-19


This action research aimed to design a hybrid learning model and evaluate the educational achievement of the statistics and research in health management course. The research process was divided into 4 phases: phase 1, Planning Stage, phase 2, Operational Stage, phase 3 Observation Stage, and phase 4 Reflection Stage. And also study success factors. The study was conducted among all 61 students who enrolled in the Statistics and Research in Health Management Course and 4 instructors. Data were collected by using questionnaires. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and independent t-test

The results of the study showed that during the COVID-19 outbreak students and teachers have a preference for hybrid learning, and the problem encountered with hybrid teaching and learning is the difficulty in using technology. There were suggestions that there should be prepared in the use of technology for both teachers and students and increase communication channels. However, when evaluating the hybrid learning achievement, it was found that the hybrid group had higher scores than the face-to-face group alone. Both in terms of test scores and collect scores the statistical significance at the 0.05 level for the assessment of student and teacher satisfaction with the hybrid teaching and learning management was found that the students and teachers were satisfied with the hybrid learning method. Overall and each aspect is at a high level in every aspect. The success factor in hybrid learning is designing activities that allow students to participate or have a clear agreement between teachers and students. preparation of both learners and instructors, especially in terms of using programs that are used to teach online, the convenience of staff and quick communication, and being able to review knowledge by studying online retrospectively.


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How to Cite

Kaladee, A., & Chankong, W. . . (2022). Hybrid Learning Design in Statistics and Research in Health Management for Graduate Students during the COVID-19 outbreak. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(2), 295–311. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/258569



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