Medical tourism of Thailand and the future after COVID-19


  • Wanwisa Pensuriya -


medical tourism, preventive measures / COVID 19/ newly emerging, economics and medical services


Nowadays, there are tourists from various regions looking for a tourist attraction along with the use of medical services. Medical tourism has been increasing in popularity. Asian countries are the top tourist attractions in the world because of the quality medical system, inexpensive, and the cost of living is not very high compared to the countries of origin and other interesting tourist attraction, especially for tourists from Europe or America, this may be a business opportunity that can create wealth for countries that are ready in this field. The aims of this article are to present Thailand's readiness and trends in promoting medical tourism issues, which is directly promoting the country's economy during the Covid-19 epidemic. There are 2 issues, consisting of 1) situation and trend in promoting medical tourism for Thailand 2) the future of Thai medical tourism after the Covid 19 epidemic situation.  In summary, Thailand can be one of the leaders in medical tourism, if there are development in terms of medical technology and genomics. In addition, supports from the public and private sectors in implementing the tourism cycle in a concrete manner.


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How to Cite

Pensuriya, W. (2022). Medical tourism of Thailand and the future after COVID-19 . Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(3), 541–552. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives