Effects of a Health Literacy Program on Knowledge, Attitudes and Rational Drug Use among Public Health Students in Rajabhat Phetchaburi University


  • Phasit Sirited -
  • Prakairat Tunit
  • Waratta Hemtong
  • Bunliang Suphim
  • Chirawut Punnawit
  • Sitthisak Tikham
  • Surasingha Sombat Suranartwatchawong


Health literacy program, Health literacy, Rational drug use, Public health student



This study was a quasi-experimental research, one group with pre and post-test design, aimed to study the effects of a health literacy program on knowledge, attitudes, and rational drug use among public health students in Rajabhat Phetchaburi University by applying the concept of health literacy. The sample consisted of 38 third-year-students of public health degrees who participated in a 6-week health education program for enhancing health literacy. The program consisted of an activity plan that focused on lectures, group discussion, practice and demonstration, and reflection, etc. Data was collected before and after the education program performed. Data was analyzed with frequency statistics, percentage, and Wilcoxon-signed rank test.

            The results demonstrated that after the program, the students had knowledge of rational drug use, attitudes towards rational drug use and rational use of drugs with statistical significantly higher than before the program performed (p-value < 0.05).

            From these results, it showed that learning programs developed by applying the concept of health literacy was able to build knowledge of rational drug use, improve attitudes towards rational drug use and rational use of drugs in a better direction. Therefore, it should be appropriately applied to develop students’ skills in other groups and in courses related to primary therapy or other courses.


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How to Cite

Sirited, P., Tunit, P. ., Hemtong, W. ., Suphim, B. ., Punnawit, C. ., Tikham, S. ., & Sombat Suranartwatchawong, S. . (2023). Effects of a Health Literacy Program on Knowledge, Attitudes and Rational Drug Use among Public Health Students in Rajabhat Phetchaburi University. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 9(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/260970



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