Factors Affecting Transfer Decision of Public Health Personnel in the Case of Transferring Mission of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital to Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization


  • Akaphol Kaladee
  • Nutthaorn Preeda
  • Theerawut Thammakun


decision-making; mission transfer; tambon health promoting hospital; public health personnel; provincial administrative organization


The objectives of this study were to explore (1) personal factors, motivating factors, maintenance factors and transfer decisions, and (2) factors influencing the transfer decisions, of public health personnel on transferring from Tambon (subdistrict) Health Promoting Hospitals (THPHs) to the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO).

This descriptive survey research employed online questionnaire to collect data from health personnel working in 21 Queen Sirikit Health Centers and THPHs in Phuket. Of all 156 health personnel, 111 responded with completed questionnaires (71.15%). Data were analyzed to determine frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and logistic regression, using odds ratio and the confidence interval of 95%, with statistical significance level of 0.05.

The results showed that over half of all personnel (53.2%) decided to voluntarily transfer to the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO) and factors affecting health personnel’s decision.  It was found that there were 6 factors, namely: status; personnel status; length of time working in THPHs; the motivation factors on “responsibility”; and “achievement”; and the maintenance factor on “working conditions”. Other factors did not affect the decision on transfer. The results of this study can be used as information for developing the transfer of THPHs to local administrative organizations, for efficiency and as a guideline for future studies on decentralization for public health.


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How to Cite

Kaladee, A. ., Preeda, N., & Thammakun, T. (2023). Factors Affecting Transfer Decision of Public Health Personnel in the Case of Transferring Mission of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital to Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 9(3), 415–429. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/266065



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