Factors Effecting Personnel Participation in Quality Improvement of Medium and Small Sized Community Hospital in Sisaket Province


  • Ticharat Chaibanjongwat Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Nittaya Pensirinapa
  • Warangkana Chankong


participation in activity, quality development, community hospital


This research’s objectives are to study: (1) the level of personnel participation in community hospitals’ quality development; (2)  personal factors, motivating factors, and hygiene factors of personnel; and (3)  factors effecting personnel participation in community hospitals’ quality development in Sisaket Province.

This survey research, had a sample size of 189 health professional personnel with at least 1 year working experience in a community hospital, selected by multiple stage sampling from a total of 583 community hospital personnel.  The data collection instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.965.  Data analysis was conducted for descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis.          

The results of the study showed (1) A high level of personnel participation in quality development of community hospitals. (2) Majority of personal factors were female; between 41-50 years old; having bachelor's degree level; being a nursing profession, with 1-5 years experience; being members of the quality development committee (51.6%); and 67.8% (????) had been trained in quality development. Both motivating factor and hygiene factor were at a high level, except a moderate level for compensation.  (3) Effecting factors on personnel participation in quality development had 5 variables, from most to least positive influence were recognition, job security, policy, compensation, and working conditions. Together they explained 68.8 percent of the variation in personnel participation scores.


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How to Cite

Chaibanjongwat, T., Pensirinapa, N. ., & Chankong, W. . (2024). Factors Effecting Personnel Participation in Quality Improvement of Medium and Small Sized Community Hospital in Sisaket Province. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 10(2), 221–231. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/271727



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