Organization Atmosphere and Intention to Stay among Personnel of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Department, Ministry of Public Health


  • Phusacha Junprasert -
  • Youwanuch Sattayasomboon


intention to stay, organization climate, ministry of public health


This cross-sectional analytical study aims to investigate the correlation among organizational atmosphere, and intention to stay among personnel of the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine (DTAM). Sample size consisted of 197 personnel (89.95% responded rate) who had been employed for at least six months, not holding executive positions, or will retire in fiscal year 2023. Data were collected by using a self-administered questionnaires distributed between March 8th and April 8th, 2023. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient to identify factors associated with the intention to stay, at a significance level of 0.05.

             The findings revealed that the staff's intention to stay was at a low level (Mean = 2.8, S.D. = 1.2). The factors that significantly correlated with the intention to stay included organizational atmosphere (r = 0.32), age (r = 0.31), marital status (r = 0.14), duration of work (r = 0.18), and income (r = 0.21)

              The use of research result is for the administration of human resource management The information should be used to formulate policies and plans to retain personnel in the organization, focusing on developing a good organizational atmosphere.


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How to Cite

Junprasert, P., & Sattayasomboon, Y. (2024). Organization Atmosphere and Intention to Stay among Personnel of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Department, Ministry of Public Health. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 10(3), 495–505. Retrieved from



Original Article