The Development of Community Member Participation in Community Forest Sustainable Management A Case Study of Ban Nong Ta Klai Nong Mek Sub-District Nong Han District Udon Thani Province


  • Surachai Chukong Lecturer, Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College
  • Theerawat Hinkaew Lecturer, Management Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Pitchayabundit College
  • Peerayut Silaprom Lecturers, Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College
  • Vanida Na Lamphun Lecturer, Accountancy Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Pitchayabundit College
  • Supattra Buttarat Lecturer, Community Public Health Program, Faculty of Science, Pitchayabundit College


community forest, participation model development, community forest management


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study basic information on participation in sustainable community forests management of the people of Ban Nong Ta Klai, Nong Mek Sub-district, Nogn Han District, Udon Thani Province; 2) to develop a model for people’s participation in sustainable community forest management; and 3) to evaluate the results of the model of participation in sustainable community forest management of the people. Data were collected using a questionnaire of 297 people and an interview form with the community forest committee of 32 people. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation. The results of the research revealed that the model of people’s participation in community forest management overall, it was it a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.47). The community forest board gave more importance to community forest management than ever before. Before proceeding with the development Overall participation was moderate (gif.latex?\bar{X}=2.72). The overall level of participation was moderate (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.41) after the development implementation. The development of participation in community forest management by using the A-I-C process in 4 aspects: 1) participation in thinking, planning and decision-making;  2) participation in practice; 3) participation in receiving benefits; and 4) participation in monitoring and evaluation. Evaluation of the participation model be raising awareness and unity in community forest conservation create roles, duties and be the driving force of community forest conservation, forest destruction and including integrating the body of knowledge to benefit the community and being able to have network partners to conserve forest resources. The result of the development of participation model is to make people more involved after the development of participation.


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