Effective Internal Communication in Organization of Mahidol University

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นนท์หทัย วรวงศ์ไกรศรี


There were five objectives of this study: 1) to study Mahidol University officers’ behaviors in choosing communication channels, 2) to study the effective levels of communication at Mahidol University, 3) to compare opinions of Mahidol University officers towards the effectiveness of communication in the organization with regards to demographics, such as gender, age, educational background, work experiences, and work positions, 4) to study problems and obstacles of communication at Mahidol University, and 5) to determine guidelines for effective communication at Mahidol University. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The qualitative data was collected using in-depth interviews and focus group interviews, with key informants consisting of administrators, lecturers, and academic support staff. The questionnaire was used to survey the sample’s opinions about the effectiveness of communication at Mahidol University. Stratified random sampling was used to select 418 samples, which were comprised of administrators, lecturers, and academic support staff. The results of this research were as follows:

  1. The overall behaviors of Mahidol University officers in choosing communication channels were at a moderate Considering types of communication channels, the sample mostly selected personal media.

  2. The overall opinions towards effective levels of communication at Mahidol University were at a moderate level. Considering the communication process and internal administration, the sender was the most effective.

  3. The comparisons of Mahidol University officers about the effectiveness of communication with regards to demographics showed the following:
    • People with differences in age, work position, and level of experience showed differences in opinions about the effectiveness of communication at Mahidol University at a significance level of .05.

    • People with differences in gender and educational background did not show differences in opinions about the effectiveness of communication at Mahidol University at a significant level.

  4. The problems and obstacles of communication at Mahidol University were classified into two types of problems: communication process and internal administration. The results of quantitative data analysis revealed that the overall level of problems and obstacles of communication in the organization was at a moderate level.

  5. The guidelines for effective communication at Mahidol University related to communication process and internal administration. Concerning communication process, it was determined senders should develop communication skills and service minds; messages should be clear, concise, easy to understand, and reliable; communication channels should be increased and appropriately selected; and receivers should be ready to perceive information and develop message receiving and interpreting skills. Regarding internal administration, it was determined organization leaders should plan about public relations and communication; administrators should communicate policies to the staff and encourage them to be loyal to the organization; and internal communication should be increased and the administrators should continue working on the stated policy.

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