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The area - based educational management is an innovation of educational management for the integrated human resource management. It emphasizes on the pattern of the curriculum management and learning experience that creates the opportunity for secondary school students and enabling self -development for the career paths that meet the requirements of the business and enterprising. It supports the acquisition of professions and incomes that relevant to the community and local potentials. The basic - education secondary schools, the higher education institutions and the Office of the Basic Education Commission are to cooperate in the structures of integrated curriculum. The higher education institutions and the secondary schools have produced learning courses for lower and upper secondary students, developed school curriculum and learning programs that meets the school needs. They also created handbooks for teaching, prepared operational classrooms and educational Medias, trained school teachers, set the program instructions and learning experiences for students from lower secondary school level until upper secondary school level in accordance with each curricular objective. The case of Soongmen Chanupatham School is an Area - based School Management Model that be extended the model by the other 30 secondary schools in Phrae, Nan, Phayao and Chaing Rai provinces. Those 30 secondary schools initiated and launched their area-based projects during 2012 - 2013 academic years. The Soongmen Chanupathum School has conducted this program for six courses together with six higher education institutions since 2010 until now which it is the second semester of 2014 academic year. It is found from the interview with Mathayom 6 of Soongmen students that most of the students have good personality, be mature, be well communicate, be assertive, be confident, be able to analyze the general situations, learning and their job problems and understanding the goals of their lives. Many of them were admitted to the universities with joined the program and many of them have the works contracts with private company to pursue their higher education after graduating from Mathayom 6 and have the guarantee for future employment. However, the success and the failure of this project in the future is likely to depend on the persistence of the policy and the support of the government; the force and the seriousness in the cooperation between the universities and the schools ; the determination of the persons from the university faculties who are responsible for the program; and the continual enhancement and support from the community leaders. For the students, the teachers, the school administrators and communities, they have already appreciated in the project value and have gained the advantages of this project.

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Area Based Planning/ Integrated Education Northern Ireland, (Online)
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