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มานะ ถูวะการ
สุรพล เนาวรัตน์
ธงชัย เครือหงษ์



The purposes of this research were to study the context of Khaopra – Bangkram Watershed, to develop the local lessons on Life and Environment Strand : Khaopra – Bangkram Watershed, and to compare the students’ achievement and awareness between pretest and protest. The sample in this research was 40 Matthayomsuksa 4 students of Lamthubprachanukhrao School, Lamthub District, Krabi Province. The instruments used for data collection were the local lesson on Khaopra – Bangkram Watershed, the achievement test with the difficulty index value between 0.35 and 0.75 , the discrimination value of 0.21 - 0.87 and the reliability of 0.71. Mean percentage, standard deviation and t-test were used for data analysis.

The findings revealed that Khaopra – Bangkram Watershed is located in Thungtraithong and Lamthub sub-district, Lamthub District, Krabi Province. It was declared as a wildlife sanctuary in 1993, covering an area of 97,700 rai. In the past, the forest was plentiful and local people could take the use of it for basic factors. In addition, it was also the upstream sources. However, the increasing of deforestation causes the runoff and sliding soil problems. Meanwhile, local people lack the clarity in policies and practices of the watershed conservation.

The efficiency of the local lesson was 82.79/81.75 and the effective index was 0.66. The students’ achievement after taking the local lesson was significantly higher at the level of 0.05 as well as the awareness toward the environmental conservation which was also significantly higher at the level of 0.05.

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