Building Understanding between Religions

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นิรันดร์ พันทรกิจ


The differences between religions are from the differences of living places, traditions, and cultures. However, these kinds of differences bring either supports or conflicts. It is considered that the human conflicts come from the conflicts between religions. Religious beliefs can be classified into three systems ranging from monotheism, monolatrism (or polytheism) to autotheism. The last belief system, monolatrism, is considered to be a solution to religious conflict. There is an attempt of religious leaders to bring the harmony and peace to the world. However, the idea of merging all religions is still an issue.

            It is finally believed that human may have different viewpoints and lifestyles which mean that religions should not be considered and judged in a similar way. It is important that each person should study the core concept of their own religion as the aim of the religions is to promote those who believe to be a good person.


           “No peace among the nations without peace among the religions

             No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions

             No dialogue between the religions without the investigation

             Of the foundation of the religions”

                                                                                                        Hans Kung (2009)

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