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กฤษณะ ทองแก้ว
สมศักดิ์ ศรีสันติสุข
วิยุทธ์ จำรัสพันธ์


An approval of status has been manifested that the Vietnamese Thai in Thailand are able to take part in Thai economy and politics within couple decades. This is a confirmation that Thai society is open and allows all ethnic groups to mobilize their social status. This study is based on an assumption that the Vietnamese Thai who play important roles in political aspects have been instructed by family constitution.         

Families in Vietnam had intensive processes of instructions which included 1) process of rationality practice, 2) process of idea instillation, and 3) process of disciplinable action. In addition, internal conditions related the instruction included 1) family values, 2) social organizations, and 3) relationships among social organizations. External conditions related the instructions included 1) government policies, 2) the expansion of political freedom, and 3) the administration. Consequently, these processes and conditions led the Vietnamese Thais to have played roles in Thai political aspects.

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