Leadership Factor of School Administrators Affecting Early Childhood Education Management in Basic Education Schools

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เพ็ญศิริกรณ์ ประเทียบอินทร์


The purposes of this research were to study the components of leadership factors of school administrator affecting the early childhood educational management in Basic Education Schools and to confirm the leadership factors of school administrators affecting the early childhood educational management in Basic Education Schools. There were 2 steps of research operation : 1) to study of the elements of effective leadership from principles, theories, related researches and collecting interview data from 5 experts and 2) to confirm the factors of school administrator affecting the early childhood education management by using exploratory factor analysis: EFA. The data were collected from 174 school directors in Early Childhood Educational of Basic Education Schools; then there was a discussion process by using a focus group discussion with 9 experts.

The research result revealed that: there were 8 major components and 88 significant indicators as the leadership factors of school administrators affecting the early childhood educational management in Basic Education Schools as follows : 1) Visionary Leadership 14 indicators, 2) Ethical Leadership 14 indicators, 3) Professional Leadership 12 indicators, 4) Academic Leadership 12 indicators, 5) Transformational Leadership 10 indicators, 6) Inspiration Leadership 10 indicators, 7) Technological Leadership 8 indicators and 8) Individualized Leadership 8 indicators. In addition, the experts commented that all of those major components were suitable and possible for implementation eventually.

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