Development of the Public Health Service Center at Suratthani City Municipality, Muang Surat Thani District, Surat Thani Province

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เอมิกา แช่มศรีรัตน์


The objectives of this study were to compare working conditions and skill-development demand, to investigate problems and suggestions for development and to investigate guidelines for working development skills of the Public Health Service Center at Suratthani Municipality area, Muang Suratthani. 400 persons receiving the service from the center were used to collect data. The reliability coefficients of these questionnaires were 0.98. Data were analyzed by using mean, S.D., and One – way ANOVA.. Focus Group was conducted to gather policy and performance data from the purposive sampling of Public Health Service Center at Suratthani Municipality area. Content analysis was also used to analyze data.

The results showed that the overall working conditions and the aspect of services of the Public Health Service Center at Suratthani Municipality area were at high levels except the facility aspects were at the highest level. The overall and each aspect of skill-development demand were at high levels. The comparison result showed that working conditions and skill-development demand classified by personal factors were not different both in the overall and in each aspect. However, the different occupations affected working conditions and demand development skills at statistical significance .05. The overall problems of job performance of Public Health Service Center at Suratthani Municipality area showed at a high level. The results found that 1) the steps of service were clear and flexible with appropriate time 2) the quality of services were not compatible with the suggestions those were found and health document were given to service users. For demands of work development at highest level were found that 1) the quality of services such as the minded services as well as the adequate and friendly officers 2) for the facility aspects such as extension of service to Thai massage and the plan to increase more health center, and these demand must be raised to be the agenda of top management. The proposal from focus group were: 1) clear guidelines and comprehensive public health mission 2) preparation of guidelines and a concrete tool to evaluate the performance 3) human resources development and enough recruitment 4) landscape and facility improvement as well as good service and 5) innovative and unique health center including comprehensive integration.

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Research Article


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