The Strategies of Internationalized Learner Quality Development of Basic Education Schools

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อุไรวรรณ พูลสมบัติ


The objectives of this research were to identify indicators for internationalized learner quality and to propose strategies of internationalized learner quality development of basic education schools. The research procedure consisted of two phases as follows: Phase 1 indicators requirement and concordance of internationalized learner quality development of Basic Education Schools were conducted. Relevant documents, schools philosophy, theories, and relevant research studies were reviewed. While, the concordance indicators were investigated by using a screening form and an interview with 17 experts, and primary factors of internationalized learner quality development of basic education schools by using an exploratory and confirmatory factors analysis in the statistical package program. Phase 2 proposals of strategies of internationalized learner quality development of basic education schools were conducted to monitor by connoisseurship with seven experts. Then, the instrument was the assessment form for strategies of internationalized learner quality development. Data were analyzed by using content analysis, mean, and standard deviation.

The research findings were as follows: the total number of the appropriate indicators was 53, with seven factors which were 1) academic knowledge, 2) information and technology skills, 3) communication skills, 4) thinking skills, 5) problem-solving skills, 6) life skills, and 7) desirable characteristics; the concordance value for the confirmatory factor analysis was correlated with the empirical data. The finding also indicated three strategies of internationalized learner quality development in basic education schools namely: 1) learner quality development for excellence, 2) learner skills development, and 3) learner development to achieve desirable characteristics as world citizen. In addition, these three strategies were highly considered appropriate to use at both overall and individual levels high.

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