A Study on the Implementation of Tablet-Based Learning Policies Used by Students in the Schools of Upper Southern Provinces

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สุชาดา ลิ่มสวัสดิ์


The objectives of this dissertation were to study the implementation of tablet-based learning policies for students in schools, to compare the learning outcomes regarding reading, writing, and arithmetic skills of Prathomsuksa II students between pre- and post-implementation of tablet-based learning policies for students in schools, and to propose the guidelines for implementation of tablet-based learning policies for students in schools of the Upper Southern Provinces. The procedure consisted of 3 steps as follows; Step 1 : To study the implementation of tablet-based learning policies for students in the schools of 7 schools in 7 Upper Southern Provinces. The qualitative data were collected from 21 samples including administrators, Prathomsuksa II teachers, and Prathomsuksa II parents by using an observation form of general states, an analysis form of documents, and an in-depth interview. The data were analyzed by using content analysis, pragmatic analysis, synthesis, and triangulation. Step 2: To compare the learning outcomes regarding reading, writing, and arithmetic skills of Prathomsuksa II students by comparing the focus assessments between students, whom the tablet-based learning had never been implemented with, in academic year 2012 and students, whom the tablet-based learning had already been implemented with, in academic year 2013. Step 3: To propose the guidelines for implementation of tablet-based learning policies for students in schools of the Upper Southern Provinces by relying on the findings obtained in Step 1 and Step 2. The appropriateness and feasibility of the guidelines were analyzed by 7 experts using the interview and assessment forms.

The findings showed that the implementation of tablet-based learning policies for students was unidirectional. In other words, the schools understood the objectives and goals of the policies, except for methods or guidelines being implemented to attain the objectives. Regarding policy communication, meetings were held by administrators in order to elucidate teachers and related officers about the policies. Missions and assignments specification tended to be the duty of class teachers, Prathomsuksa II teachers, and ICT or computer teachers. Regarding the supervision and monitoring of implementation of the policies, the internal supervision was held by administrators and academic supervisors and the external supervision was held by educational supervisors of each educational area. The aspects showing different implementation were organizational competency, potential and readiness of each school, especially skills and abilities in using tablets and implementing technology of teachers, and budget, locations, tools, resources used in operations and related technology. The comparison of the focus assessments between students, whom the tablet-based learning had never been implemented with in academic year 2012, and students, whom the tablet-based learning had already been implemented with in academic year 2013, showed that the learning outcomes of the students in academic year 2013 were not significantly higher than the learning outcomes of the students in academic year 2012 in all schools; the learning outcomes were higher, lower, or identical in some of the schools. Therefore, it cannot be said that the implementation of tablet-based learning for the students results in impound reading, writing, and arithmetic skills compared to the non-implementation of tablet-based learning. However, the implementation of tablet-based learning affected the accessibility to technology, which allowed both teachers and students to use technology as a learning tool. This dissertation also proposed the guidelines for the implementation of tablet-based learning policies of the students: creation of clear policies, policy communication, missions and assignments specification, development of organizational competency, and supervision and monitoring of the implementation of the policies. In addition, the guidelines for the implementation were specified for administrators, teachers, and students’ parents, as well as to provide conducive for environment an actual implementation of tablet-based learning policies.

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