The Cognition About the Labor Relations Act B.E. 2518 (1975)of Thai Labors in Seafood Processing Industry Sector : A Case Study of Surat ThaniProvince.

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วรัชญา เผือกเดช
พูลฉัตร วิชัยดิษฐ
สนชัย ใจเย็น


         This study aims to (1) Study about Labor Relations Act B.E. 2518(1975). (2) Compare the cognitionabout the Labor Relations Act B.E. 2518 of laborclassified by personal status and (3) Develop a better cognition about the LaborRelations Act B.E. 2518 (1975) of Thai labors in seafood processing industry sector : A Case Study ofSuratThaniprovince. The sample groups were 360 persons who work at seafood processing industry sector in position managers, chiefs, employees and Thai labors in 6 districts ofSuratThani province consist of Muang,Phunphin, Tha Chang, Chaiya, Donsak and Ban Na Doem. The non - probability sampling or the purposive sampling was used for in-depth interviews 22thai heads or representatives of labor seafood processing industrysector in Suratthani province and 3 officials associated with the agency to protect workers of SuratThani. Based on the research outcome, it revealed that the level of cognition about the Labor in overall were at the middle level in all 5 aspects consist of wage rate and revenues, welfare, laborprotection, social insurance, safety, occupational health and environment of work. But when considering by personal status found that gender, age and location of the establishment were differently cognition about the Labor Relations Act B.E. 2518 (1975). Therefore,the enterprise should arrange staffs for explainingemployees about salary, bonus which consider by the minimum wage and educational background. The human resource must suggest them to know and perceive about social welfare and the right of labor legislation by meeting or training. Furthermore, the enterprise must let Thai labor realize about the right of social welfare and inform the government sector such as Department of health to estimate the safety of workplace at least once a year.


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Research Article


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