The Development of Poetry Story Books to Promote Reading and Writing Skills for Prathomsuksa 1 Students
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The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the poetry storybooks in which promotes Thai language reading and writing skills for Prathomsuksa1 students 2) to compare the students’ learning achievement before and after using the poetry storybooks and 3) to study the satisfaction of the students on their learning using the poetry storybook. The 24 students of Prathomsuksa 1 of Banseeyakklongsila School, under SuratThani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 were the sample used in this research. The instrument used for the research were 3 poetry storybooks, namely Singing mynah and Chrysopelea, Touring Tung Thong and KlongSila, 12 lesson plans, 3 choices objective achievement test which showed the difficulty index at .41-.66, the discrimination between .31 and .81 and the reliability at .88, and the satisfaction test of students through learning activities by using poetry storybooks. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The findings revealed that teaching by using the poetry storybooks to promote reading and writing skills on Thai language showed the efficiency at 82.22/81.11 and the effectiveness was at .71. Moreover, the students’ learning achievement after teaching through the poetry storybooks was higher with the significance level at .01. In addition, the students’ satisfaction on their learning through using poetry storybooks was high.
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