Estimated Parameters of the Testlet-Test under Item Response Theory and Testlet Response Theory Model

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ไพรัตน์ วงษ์นาม
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         This study aimed to investigate an estimation of the parameters of the testlet-test including discrimination, difficulty, guessing, and ability parameter estimated under 3PL IRT and the 3PL TRT Models. Item scores of English Language of 1,500 Grade-9 students’ tests from the 2015 Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET), determined by multi-stage sampling, were used for estimating the parameters of the test. The parameters were then analyzed for Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, and the standard errors (SE) of the two models were compared by Paired t-test.

         Results revealed that;

  1. Estimated parameters of the Testlet-Test (discrimination, difficulty, and guessing) and ability parameters of 3PLIRT and the 3PL TRT were significantly correlated in all aspects (p<.05), with very high correlation (0.935, 0.983, 0.972 and 0.994 respectively).

  2. Standard error of the item parameters (discrimination, difficulty, and guessing) and ability parameters estimated under 3PL IRT and the 3PL TRT were significantly different in all aspects (p<.05).

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