Urbanization Impact toward Capital Assets Accession and Holding of Labor Households in Khon Kaen Peri-Urban

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กฤษดา ปัจจ่าเนย์
ธนพฤกษ์ ชามะรัตน์


Khon Kaen peri-urban was rapidly changed by the urbanization phenomenon. While the urban area has been expanded to the peri-urban area, the labor households in Khon Kaen peri-urban were problematic from accession and holding of capital assets. This research aims to study the impacts of the livelihood resource of the households in Khon Kaen peri-urban. The methodology adopted qualitative research with household level as the unit of analysis. The research instruments were interview guidelines, in-depth interview with fifteen labor households who have multiple occupations, focus group discussion, and participatory and         non-participatory observations. There were three study sites in Khon Kaen peri-urban area:  Ban Pet, Ban Loeng Pueai and Ban Sam Ran. Contents were analysed with the ATLAS.ti. program.

The results indicated two types of peri-urban area expansion; (1) physical change such as roads, housing, industrial factories and markets and (2) livelihood and activity change such as land use, various occupations, high consumption and community relationships. These expansion impacts of urbanization toward capital assets accession and holding were clarified into five aspects; physical capital, financial capital, human capital, natural capital and social capital. The urbanization that began to affect Labor Households in Khon Kaen Peri-Urban and impacted in both positive and negative ways. 

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