Model of Educational Administration Research Competency Development of Graduate Students Suratthani Rajabhat University

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โสภณ เพ็ชรพวง


This research aimed to study the need to develop research competency, create a model of research competency development, with an evaluation and satisfaction study about the model using of graduate students, at Suratthani Rajabhat University. The three steps in the research were: 1) studying the need to develop educational administration research competency with a sample of 68 graduate students. Data were collected by questionnaire with reliability index at 0.98, and data were analyzed by mean ; 2) creating a model of educational administration research competency by documentary study and finding the consistency by 5 experts, with the result of model evaluation in overall aspects at a high level;            3) a process of model testing, where the samples were 28 students.           Data were collected by pre-test and post-test with the test difficulty between 0.20 - 0.80. and reliability index at .87, and the educational administration research competency and model satisfaction were evaluated by questionnaire with reliability index at 0.96 and 0.94. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and the hypothesis examined by using a t-test.

            The research results showed that the need to develop educational administration research competency of students was at a high level both overall and for the individual aspects which in descending order were: skill in undertaking research, knowledge in research processing, and attribute of researcher. The model of educational research competency was composed of 5 components; the model usage, background and importance of the model, principles and objective of the model, process of operation and model evaluation guideline. The model testing was composed of 4 steps: pre-test, process of model use, post-test and model satisfaction evaluation. The result of model testing found that post-test scores about knowledge and understanding in educational research were higher than  the pre-test scores at the statistical level of 0.01. The results of educational research competency evaluation after using the model were higher than before using the model at the statistical level of 0.01, and the result of satisfaction was at a high level both overall and in individual aspects.

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