The Potential of Cultural Tourism of Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan, Nakhon Si Thammarat : The Foreign Tourists’ Perspective

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ปิ่นฤทัย คงทอง
รุ่งโรจน์ เย็นชัยพฤกษ์
วีรยา มีสวัสดิกุล


This research aims to study the potential of Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan, Nakhon Si Thammarat. The quantitative research techniques were employed to address the research questions. The data were collected from 220 foreign tourists using an accidental sampling technique. Such data were analyzed and explained via the descriptive and inferential statistics,  t-test, and One-way ANOVA.

The finding of the study shows that the potential of Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan was rated high in the aspects of attractions, accessibility and preservation / maintenance. It is outstanding in historical values, uniqueness and cultural diversity. However, the facility in this temple should be improved, that is to say, there should be adequate toilets that must be regularly cleaned for tourists. In the area of religious activities,         it should be well-organized and there should be more facilities for worshipping the Chedi. Moreover, in personnel aspect, temple staff should be developed in foreign language communication. These three mentioned aspects should be improved because they are rated at moderate level. The comparative result between foreign tourists and their opinions on the potential of cultural tourism of Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan indicates that the difference of demographic data of tourists significantly affected the variety of tourist’s perspectives.  

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