The Evaluation of Wang Ang Community Potential to Develop Farmer Tourism, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Wachara Chaiyakhet
Kumpee Thongpoon
Nittiya Thongsanoer
Soracha Somwatee
Warangkana Pasasuk


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the context of the way of Famer at Wang Ang community, 2) to evaluate the potential of farmer tourism attraction at Wang Ang community and 3) to determine the farmer tourism development plan of Wang Ang community. The research tools consisted of the survey form,  in-depth interview form, assessment form, and data record form. The sample was including the philosopher of community, the leader of the community and the farmers in the community.

The result of the study found that the important context of the farmer in Wang Ang community was consist of the wisdom of rice planting, belief and tradition, the wisdom of food and other wisdom that related to the farmer. The result of potential evaluated found that the overall potential of Famer tourism of Wang Ang community was at a low level, however, the study of each dimension found that the attraction dimension was at a medium level, the accessibility dimension was at a low level, the amenity dimension was at a low level, the accommodation dimension was at a low level, and the activity dimension was at a low level. In term of tourism development plan can be divided into two main issues, firstly the development of the human potential of the community to manage the tourism under Community Base Tourism concepts such as increasing of the knowledge of tourism management and service skill; secondly was the development of the farmer tourism destination of Wang Ang community such as the development of the activity, facilities and the accommodation to support the tourist.

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