Feminist Concept : Communication for Creating Women's Participation in Local Development

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อรอนงค์ โฆษิตพิพัฒน์


This article aimed to represent one of the current social issues of the way global postmodern thinking global has an impact on transforming and uprooting the traditional views towards women. Global feminism is an extension of feminism to a global level. Women roles are no longer a housewife and an obeyed wife. This has changed the way    we think, learn, work, communicate and live. We are influenced by information technology and digital media. They have an impact on transforming women from traditional to postmodern. Women take double responsibilities both career and household responsibilities as mothers and wives. These have increased women’s social choices and life choices. Women gain employment opportunities and contribute in families’ expenses. These have promoted equality and empowerment of women. Women are not in the private sphere anymore. They participate in political processes, leadership in society and promote social networks as a communication platform. With their confidence and independence, they are capable to set up female social networks as a channel to communicate and to express their feeling and thoughts. These activities have increased their self - esteem, added value in life, raised consciousness in women and changed the way other people think about patriarchy.

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