Analytical Thinking : Development of Literature Circles and Higher Order Question

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สุรีรัตน์ อักษรกาญจน์


Analytical thinking is used to distinguish, discriminate and differentiate stories, events, or components of things in order to find the causal relationship and to search for the cause of things by considering, analyzing, and finding reasons of things carefully. According to Bloom’s taxonomy, there are 3 aspects; the analyzing of the essentialness, the relationship, and the principle. These skills can be developed by educating with the combinations of literature and high level of questions. It is the instructing process in which the learners set their goals of studying by questioning their teachers and friends. Those questions need the good analysis of the essentialness, the relationship, and the principle. This occurs through their searching for a variety of information, exchanging knowledge between learners and learners or learners and teachers in order to gain the answers to the questions. These may be revealed through speech, discussing, note-taking, text, or graphic organizers. This is the result of the essentialness, relationship, and principle of this concept. There are 5 steps of this instruction; 1) searching for background knowledge and grouping, 2) searching and questioning, 3) considering the answers, 4) reflecting and 5) presenting the analyzed data.

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