Development of Environmental Conservation Volunteer Network of Suratthani Rajabhat University Students with Integration of Environmental Education Principle for Global Warming Alleviation

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ชุลีวรรณ ปราณีธรรม


Environmental crisis becomes a social problem and affects the way of population’s living. Environmental education process is an effective instrument to raise the human’s knowledge, awareness, attitude, and behavioral change in their daily life activities. The purposes of this research were 1) to study the relationship between knowledge, awareness, attitude, and behavior towards the environment of students from Suratthani Rajabhat University; 2) to compare students’ knowledge, awareness, and attitude before and after the training on the development of the network of environmental conservation volunteer with integration of environmental education principle, and ; 3) to develop the network of environmental conservation volunteer with integration of environmental education principle. The sample for this research was 391 students collected by stratified random sampling technique. The data collection tool was the closed-ended questionnaires. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way-ANOVA, and Pearson Product - Moment Correlation Coefficient were used to analyse the data. 

The results revealed that: 1) knowledge had no relation to the awareness, attitudes, and behavior towards the environment. While, the awareness had positive relationship with attitudes and behavior towards environmental conservation (p<0.01) and the attitude and behavior towards environment of the students had positive relationship significantly at 0.01 level.

2) The average scores of knowledge achievement, awareness and attitude environmental after the participatory action research (PAR) process were nigher than the average scores before the PAR at significantly .01 level.

3) After the PAR, the participants implemented two environmental projects, namely campaign for energy saving and trees planting.

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