A Study of Guardians’Potentiality in Promoting Critical Thinking Activities of Early Childhood in Suratthani
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The objectives of this study were:1) to study the potential and needs of guardians in arranging the early childhood activities form to enhance analytical thinking in Suratthani province. The participants were the guardians of early childhood at the schools under Suratthani Primary Educational Office. The research instruments used were the questionnaire about the potential and needs of the guardians in creating the early childhood’analytical thinking. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that 1) the guardians revealed the potential in creating the activities promoting the analytical thinking of early childhood in overall was at average. The guardians who hold master’s degree and higher showed the highest level while those who graduated bachelor’s degree and lower showed the lowest level. As well as the guardians who work as government officers showed the highest level and the guardians who work as employees showed the lowest level 2) the guardians’needs in creating the activities promoting the early childhood’analytical thinking in overall was at the high level. The guardians who are undergraduates showed the highest needs level while those with master’s degree showed the lowest level. The guardians who work on their own business showed the highest level while those who are employees and gardeners showed the lowest level.
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