A Study of Effects of Blended Learning on Learning Achievement, Engagement, Motivation and Satisfaction of Students : The Case of Suratthani Rajabhat University

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ธัญพรรษ แพนสกุล


This study aimed to study the effect of blended learning on learning achievement, engagement, motivation, and learning satisfaction of the students.  The samples were undergraduate students studying in the 3rd year in Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Suratthani Rajabhat University, who studied Thai Language for Learning Development in Semester 1/2015. The population were categorized into 39 persons in the control group and 40 persons in the experimental group. Both groups had pre and post-testing done by questionnaires as the research instruments. The result of the questionnaire showed that process = 82.45, result = 84.95, and the pass of standard 80/80. The result of reliability of evaluation of relationship = 0.84, evaluation of motivation -= 0.84, evaluation of satisfaction = 0.79, difficulty = 0.40-0.59 and discrimination = 0.38. MANOVA and t-tests were being used to test research hypotheses.

The result of hypothesis testing found that blended learning significantly affected learning achievement ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 22.82), engagement ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.12), motivation ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.05), and satisfaction ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.28). Students who used the blended learning approach had affected learning achievement, engagement and satisfaction of the students at the .05 significance level.

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