Revolution of Education in the Burmese Way to Socialism from 1960 – 1970
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This article describes educational reform in the Revolutionary Council Period during 1960-1790 when the Revolutionary Council announced the reform of the education system according to the Basic Education Law which was first announced in 1964 and abolished in 1973. It focused on the basic education system as the Council emphasized the necessity of educating the Burmese youth to understand the principles of the Burmese way of socialism to meet economic growth and foster socialist beliefs with the emphasis on resistance and elimination of colonial influences in the colonial education system since the colonial education system emphasized that the citizens of the country were slaves of the colonies and taught in the colonial culture. Consequently, the Council changed the educational structure including schools, personnel, teaching and learning, and activities to conform to the Burmese way to socialism. Although the education reform resulted in the success of the creation of a real Burmese socialist realization, the education itself created a new group of political activists who realized the social and economic problems of General Ne Win and the Revolutionary Council that later led to the student movement in 1988.
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