Developing Computational Thinking of Elementary School Students with Scratch Program

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Rutchanee Sittisak
Arhit Aroonsiwagool
Katanyuta Bangtho
Kittisak Jai-on
Chanaichon Damsri


The objectives of this action research were to investigate a teaching method that enhanced Prathom 4 students’ computational thinking skills. The participants in this action research were purposively selected from Prathom 4 students enrolled in Science Mathematics Technology Program (SMTP). The researchers adopted the Scratch Program as a tool for this action research. According to core components of computational thinking framework, the result indicated positive progress on students’ computation thinking. The average score of the algorithms component was reported the highest score at gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.95, while the decomposition component gained the average score of gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.57, and the abstraction component demonstrated the lowest average score of gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.14 respectively. The average score across the four components was reported at gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.45.

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