A Guideline of Media and Technology Integration for Teachers of English in the 21st Century : Theories toward Implementation

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Sutthisin Suksabai


Media and technology have played a significant role in learning and teaching contexts and stipulated teachers’ roles in the 21st century when there have been rapid changes in communication and information technology. Learners, therefore, need to have a competency to support their learning and living in order to overtake the change especially the ability to use technology as the tools to improve their knowledge and 21st century skills. Learning management of English as a key subject in accordance with the conceptual framework of 21st century skills found that the English learning of Thais could not reach the aim as expected according to the reported result of Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) of the students in English subject indicating the score of lower than the criteria of 60. Thus, English teachers should remodel both traditional teaching methodology and beliefs to truly meet the changes and needs of 21st century learners. The 21st century teachers ought to have Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) to methodically design learning activities for their learners in order to support the media and technology which unavoidably presents the key role in educational context.

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