Project-Based Instructional System Development Integreted with Cloud Computing Technology to Enhance Competency of Educational Information Technology for Student Teachers, Thanksin University

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Rungthip Sae-tae
Montree Yamkasikorn
Uthit bamroongcheep


This research aimed 1) study the elements project-based teaching integrated with cloud computing technology to improve  information technology competency of student teachers in Thaksin University; 2) create project-based teaching system integrated with cloud computing technology; 3) investigate results of implementing the project-based teaching integrated with cloud computing technology and ; 4) explore satisfaction of student teachers toward the project-based teaching integrated with cloud computing technology to improve information technology competency of student teachers in Thaksin University. The content for the research was from the Educational Information Technology course. The sample consisted of 30 3rd-year students from the Faculty of Education at Thaksin University selected by cluster random sampling.

            The results were as :

            1) The project-based instructional system integrated with cloud computing technology consisted of 9 elements (1) learning, teaching goals, (2) Instructor, (3) Learner, (4) teaching and learning strategies, (5) instructional media and learning sources, (6) learning environment, (7) learning and teaching activities, (8) the evaluation of learning outcomes, and (9) feedback.

            2) The project-based instructional system integrated with cloud computing technology was divided into 3 main stages consisting of, 1) preparation 2) operation and 3) outcomes evaluation.

            3) The results project-based instructional system integrated with cloud computing technology implementation that students’ competency on educational information increased  the following : (1) Knowledge: students’ competency after learning higher than  before learning at the statistical significance of .05, (2) Skills: the results showed  the overall development statistically different at .05 and a pair mean comparison by Scheffe test for 4 skills found the post-test means were higher, (3) Individual characteristics showed  the overall scores before and after the experiment were significantly different  .05 level.

            4) Students’ satisfaction towards  developed instructional system overall was at the highest level.

            5) The instructional system was certified by 7 experts at the most appropriate level.

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Research Article


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