Tourists's Satisfaction on Service Quality of Klong Noi Homestay Mueang District, Surat Thani Province

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Pinruthai Khongthong
Nattinaporn Chamnonglak
Nattamon Suankaew
Panisara Jiawkok
Sunita Chamnonglak
Saowapa Masosot
Arisara Limani
Chayanin Ninprayoon


This research aimed to study tourists' satisfaction on service quality of Klong Noi homestay Mueang district, Surat Thani province. The quantitative research techniques were employed to address the research questions. The data were collected from 400 tourists using an accidental sampling technique. Data were analysed and explained via the descriptive and inferential statistics, and t - test. The finding of the study showed that the tourists were satisfied on the overall service quality the highest level. All aspects where the highest level of satisfaction include tangible’s reliability responsiveness assurance and empathy. The comparative result between demographic and satisfaction on service quality of Klong Noi homestay indicates that the differences of gender, income no deference on satisfaction levels with service quality. The income include tangible, reliability and assurance aspect were different. The different of occupations were different levels of satisfaction with the service quality. However, tangibles, responsiveness and empathy aspects no deference.

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