Vocational Education and Sustainability of Lifelong Education: Model and Implementation

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Rawi Buaduang


One of the social dynamics resulting from social change is the vocational education. Therefore, the direct duty of the country is to develop the education model with the rapid changes. The process of creating sustainable vocational education is “PAK” consist of 1) P: Policy meaning of formulating national policies to create cooperation from all parties or organizations in producing labors according to the changing society. 2) A: Attitude meaning of awareness and good attitude towards vocational education and producing efficiently workers. 3) K: Knowledge meaning setting various interesting courses to enable the students to be creative and able to apply.  The form of vocational education model, “RAWI” consists of  R: Reunification meaning connecting public and private vocational education sectors together. (2) A: Accommodation meaning to lift up the learning and learning to meet standards by cooperating with ASEAN countries and establishing Vocational Education Center 3) W: Workplace meaning the place of apprenticeship of learners conducive to bilateral practice, and 4) I: Integration meaning the integration and development of the learners’ intellects and minds as well as continuous self-learning support.

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