The Guidelines for the Development of Supply Chain Analysis of Miang in the Northern of Thailand

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Areekamol Tor.Chaisuwan
Wanwichanee Tongintarad


The objectives of the study are to analyse the supply chain management of Miang and to find out the guideline for developing the supply chain system of Miang in the Northern of Thailand. The study areas are Barn Mearua Pardang Sub-district Muang District Phrae Province, Barn Par Miang Jachorn Sub-district Muang Parn District Lampang Province and Ban Rhaw Kai Sub-district Meatang District Chiangmai Province. The semi-structure interview was used for collecting data. The process of data analysis was interpreted in a qualitative form. There were 9 informants chosen form 3 research areas.  The SWOT analysis was used to evaluate on supply chain management and focus group is used to determine the guideline of Miang supply chain system. The results were founded that the study of Miang supply chain in those 3 areas was green supply chain and it was not complicated. The stakeholder within supply chain composed of the farmer, the distributor and the customer and their function that can be overlaid to each other. The extended supply chain might be used for development of Miang supply chain to manage the risk of cultural impact. Moreover, the concept of investor for joint venture should be applied to the project for maintain the balance of sustainable development. The guideline to develop the supply chain system in the upstream, farmers should be encouraged to have knowledge of preserving Miang because the cultivation of Miang depends on the season. In the midstream, the famers’ knowledge of fermentation process should be provided for decreasing cost. In the downstream, a purchase center should be set up by community leaders in form of the community enterprise and promote the Inno-life based tourism also the forest reservation should be focused.

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