Communicating Emotions Via One-Sentence Text that Relates to Academic Achievement of Undergraduate Statistics Students, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus
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This research aimed to study: 1) the textual patterns reflecting emotions and feelings; 2) the relationship between gender and emotions; 3) the correlation between emotions and students' academic achievement; and 4) changing emotional forms relating to students' academic achievement in a statistics course at Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus. Text analysis was used to analyze data indicating the student’s emotions in statistics before and after the class with one sentence each. Data collected by Google Forms included 168 records from 7-student samples consisting of 7 selected students registered in the statistics course, using a purposive sampling technique. Emotional one-sentence text analysis and then a chi-square test were in turn used to analyze the sample data. The findings reveal that the majority of students had a positive emotional form, accounting for 40.5%. There are relationships between gender and the feeling emotions of the students; the feeling emotions and emotions changing forms with students' academic achievements, with the high statistical significance level at 0.001. Furthermore, an interesting finding was that the students who have the stability of negative (--) and positive (++) emotions will obtain a high level of academic achievement, but the students who have extremely changed emotions (-+) will somewhat gain low academic achievement. In the study, a piece of new knowledge is that the one-sentence text can communicate the feelings and emotions of the students affecting their academic achievement.
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