Changing PRC Chinese Conception of the Chinese in Thailand from the 1980s to 2010s

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Zou Kunyi


Instead of taking a widely used emic perspective in exploring the identity of the Chinese in Thailand, this article takes a largely neglected etic perspective in exploring the identity of the Chinese in Thailand. As identification is a process engaged by both self and other, this article attempts to shed some light on the external construction of the identity of the Chinese in Thailand by revealing the changing conception of the identity of the Chinese in Thailand in the PRC. By analyzing various representations of the Chinese in Thailand appeared in Chinese media and prints, the author argues that from the 1980s to the 2010s the PRC Chinese has conceived the identity of the Chinese in Thailand in different ways ranging from the Chinese in Thailand as compatriot (同胞), relatives (亲戚) to the distant relatives (远房亲戚).

The conception is a central issue in Sino-Thai relations and self-identification of the Chinese in the PRC. On the one hand, the perceptual construction helps define how the PRC Chinese should position themself against the Chinese in Thailand who are Thai citizen. On the other hand, it also helps the Chinese in the PRC reflect upon their self-identity and make the unique identity of the Chinese in the PRC real and sensible. Hence, it could be said the conception facilitate the demarcation of the boundary of “Chineseness” in both Thailand and China.

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How to Cite
Kunyi, Zou. “Changing PRC Chinese Conception of the Chinese in Thailand from the 1980s to 2010s”. วารสารประวัติศาสตร์ ธรรมศาสตร์ 6, no. 2 (ธันวาคม 19, 2019): 255–303. สืบค้น มกราคม 23, 2025.


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