From Ill-Will to Friendship: Examining the Republic of Vietnam - France Relationship from 1968 to 1975

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Huy Ha Trieu


This article aims to trace the evolution of the Republic of Vietnam - France relationship from a frosty relationship to friendship over the course of the Vietnam War (1968-1975). The author employed archival documents of the former Republic of Vietnam housed at the National Archives Center II, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as well as a wide range of derivative research to periodize two phases of this tie. While maintaining a strong influence of the French in South Vietnam, South Vietnamese leaders of this country lost official contact with France since the pullout of the French troops in 1956. This relationship plummeted to the bottom in 1965 due to the decolonial policy of Ngo Dinh Diem and the no-nonsense intervention of the US in Vietnam. However, South Vietnamese leaders made an attempt to break the ice with France when this country was culled for the Paris peace talk conference avenue in 1968. The relationship underwent a rapprochement from 1968 to 1973 with a series of advantageous statements from France. As soon as the withdrawal of the US, France continued to keep up a correspondence with the Republic of Vietnam and rescued this country from Communist sabotage and impetuous and flagrant violations. However, the about-face of international relations with the Sino-American détente and a serious decrease in foreign aid brought this relationship to an end after the Fall of Saigon in 1975.

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Primary sources:

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