Historiography of Thai Literature: On the Construction and De(con)struction of Thainess

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Saowanit Chunlawong


This article aims to study the problems of historiography of Thai literature and the relations of between the Thai literary history and Thai or Thainess. The study sheds light on problems and limitation of the Thai literary historiography including the object of studies, the deductive methods, the contextual relations, the influence of the official Thai nation history, and the total presentation of the literary history. It also discusses about conditions and consequences of this historiography which entails the identity construction and the definition of Thai. Importantly, the Thai literary history primarily alluded Thainess to the Thai language, the central kingdoms on the Chao Phraya River basin, and the Thai royal court. Moreover, this article pinpoints some suggestions from thinkers on the Thai literary historiography. Last but not least, the author proposed that the construction of the Thai literary history be based upon the combination of all cultural diversity in Thailand and Thainess be perceived as a common, yet diversified, nation-state. To construct the history of Thai literature in this waythe definition of Thainess thus needs to be deconstructed and reconstructed.

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How to Cite
Chunlawong, Saowanit. “Historiography of Thai Literature: On the Construction and De(con)struction of Thainess”. Thammasat Journal of History 1, no. 2 (February 28, 2017): 163–200. accessed March 18, 2025. https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thammasat_history/article/view/78540.
Academic Articles


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