การใช้บอร์ดเกม : เกมออฟเจิร์มส (Game of Germs) เพื่อพัฒนาทักษะการป้องกันตนเองจากโรคติดต่อในนักเรียนระดับชั้นประถมศึกษา โรงเรียนแม่ยาววิทยา อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดเชียงราย Using Educational Board Game: Game of Germs to Develop Self-Care Protection Skills from Viral Infection in Primary Students in Mae Yao Wittaya School, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province

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เกศรินทร์ ศรีธนะ Ketsarin Sritana
จุฑาพร ปันทวัง Jutapon Bantawang


 The purposes of this research were to 1) To develop Educational Board Game: Game of Germs to Develop Self-Care Protection Skills From Viral Infection in Primary Students 2) To compare the Self-Care Protection Skills From Viral Infection development of the students before and after using the Educational Board Game: Game of Germs and 3) Study the efficiency of an educational board game : Game of Germs to Develop Self-Care Protection Skills From Viral Infection in Primary Students. The sample for this research is the primary students by using simple random sampling consisted of 30 students of Mae Yao Wittaya School, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province. The research design was One group Pretest – Posttest design. The research instruments were the educational board game: game of germs to develop self-care protection skills from viral infection in primary students and the manual, the assessment test of self-care protection skills from viral infection , and the efficiency evaluation form of the board game. For data analysis using Descriptive Statistic include,  mean (X ̅), standard deviation (SD) and t-test with independent sample..                                  

                  The research findings were as follow: 1) The education board were created from the main core concepts and theory of board game including the objectives, core mechanic, the rules, the graphic design, the manual considerate with age appropriate and up-to-date, the result by the experts met the criterion of  IOC assessment. 2) After the implementation of the education board game, the scores of skills level were statistically significant higher than before the implementation of the education board game at the level of 0.05 and 3) The evaluation results of the overall board game efficiency had the highest level (x̄ = 4.63)

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