แนวทางการพัฒนาภาวะผู้นำในยุคดิจิทัลของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา ในโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษาจังหวัดพิษณุโลก The Leadership Development Guidelines of the School Administrators in the Secondary Schools in Phitsanulok in the Digital Era

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ณิรดา เวชญาลักษณ์ Nirada Wechayaluck


              The purposes of this study were to study 1) the leadership of the school administrators in the secondary schools in Phitsanulok in the digital era and 2) the guidelines to develop leadership of the school administrators in the secondary schools in Phitsanulok in the digital era. The population in this study was 39 secondary schools in Phitsanulok which were purposively selected. The number of the informants was 78 people, comprised of 39 school administrators and 39 academic heads. The seven experts were interviewed to identify leadership development guidelines in the digital era. The results of the study were found that the mean of the leadership of the administrators in general was at the highest level. When each aspect of the leadership of the administrators was studied, the mean of the development towards professionalism aspect was at the highest level, while that of the communication aspect was at the lowest level. In addition, for leadership development guidelines, personnel should be trained and developed on their skills of using technology, and technological facilities should also be provided to increase the work efficiency of technological personnel correctly.

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Research Articles


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