The Model or Creating an Agricultural Business in the Community According to the Guidelines for Strengthening the Local Potential of the New Sustainable Economic BCG Model

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Naruedol Sawatsri
Wannapa Lasopha


        This research was the participatory action research. This research aimsed to: 1) study agricultural problems and analyze solutions, 2) develop a prototype of snack products from chili peppers and 3) develop a community agricultural business model. The target groups of this research were community leaders, farmers, government officials, teachers and students. The research area was Plakao Noi Village, Lam Klong Subdistrict, Mueang District, Kalasin Province. The sample group was chili pepper farmers in Plakao Noi Village.

        Research Findings: The agricultural context of Plakao Noi Village, Moo 6, Lam Klong Subdistrict, Mueang District, Kalasin Province had a large area of chili pepper cultivation about 50 farm with a total yield of approximately 20,000 kilograms. Agricultural Problem Analysis found that there are problems of low chili prices and unsold fresh chili peppers which leads to spoilage. The analysis of solutions based on the BCG Model (Circular Economy) suggests that unsold chili peppers can be added value by processing them into products.  Development of Snack Products from Chili Peppers found that chili peppers can be processed into snack products by frying them with herbs. Development of a Community Agricultural Business Model for Plakao Noi Village. The Conclusion of research can be used to solve the problem of low chili prices and unsold fresh chili peppers and to add value to chili peppers by processing them into products also provides a model for community agricultural business development that can be applied to other communities.

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How to Cite
Sawatsri, N., & Lasopha, W. . . (2024). The Model or Creating an Agricultural Business in the Community According to the Guidelines for Strengthening the Local Potential of the New Sustainable Economic BCG Model. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(2), 111–124. retrieved from
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