A Need Assessment for the Promotion of Skills in the 21st Century of Teacher in Schools under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Kanyapach Boonkrob
Siribhorn Bhuranahirunn


        The objective of this research were to need assessment and propose a guideline for the promotion of skills in the 21st century of teacher in schools under Tak primary educational service area office 1. The samples were teachers in schools under Tak primary educational service area office 1, academic year 2022. The sample size was 300 people by multi-stage random sampling. The research instruments were a need assessment form for the promotion of skills in the 21st century of teacher, total 77 item with discrimination of 0.30 - 0.93 and the reliability of 0.996 and question form for focus group. The data were analyzed through percentages, means, standard deviation, the Modified Priority Needs Index and inductive inference.

       The research findings were as flows:

      1. Results of the needs assessment to promote skills in the 21st century of teacher in schools under Tak primary educational service area office 1 found that the highest ranking was information, media and technology skills, the next ranking is learning and innovation skills and last ranking is life and career skills.

       2. A guideline for the promotion of skills in the 21st century of teacher in schools under Tak primary educational service area office 1 found that 1) Administrators should focus on promoting skills for the development of the teacher's 2) Promote teachers' skills in using computers and information technology in teaching. 3) Support coordination and create a working network 3.1) Organize a meeting about the learning management plan. 3.2) Administrators should support teachers conduct classroom research by using post-teaching notes to improve student and 3.3) Administrators should use a supervision system to follow up with teachers. and create motivation to work for teachers.

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How to Cite
Boonkrob, K., & Bhuranahirunn, S. (2024). A Need Assessment for the Promotion of Skills in the 21st Century of Teacher in Schools under Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(2), 203–216. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSSRA/article/view/269208


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